KK Youth Project

Giovanni di Palma
イタリア生まれ。5歳でバレエを始め、14歳でローマ国立アカデミーに入学。ローマ歌劇場にてプロとしての活動を開始、ニースオペラ劇場でも踊る。1997年、ドレスデンバレエ団に入団、ウラジミール・デレヴィヤンコ監督の元でソリストを務める。2000年にはライプツィヒバレエ団監督、ウヴェ・ショルツにより同団のソリスト に抜擢された。2008年、カンヌで行われたガラ公演、パレ・デ・フェスティバルの際、スター・オブ・バレエ 2000を受賞。その後香港、マイアミ、マルセイユ、ローマなどの世界的ガラ公演にゲストダンサーとして招聘されている。

After finishing his dance studies at the National Academy of dance in Rome, Giovanni Di Palma started to work at the Theatre de l’Opera de Nice, a few years later accepted a position at the Dresden Semperoper before joining the Leipziger Ballett of Uwe Scholz in 2000. After only six months Scholz promoted him principal dancer and created major ballets on him such as the famous solo of the piano version of Stravinsky’s “The rite of the spring”. In 2001 the “Ballettanz International” magazine gave him recognition as “new talent of the contemporary dance” and received the prestigious “Leonide Massine” award for the art of dance in Positano (Italy) In 2006 the aforementioned ballet magazine awarded him as “most outstanding interpreter” after perfoming G. Tetley’s Pierrot Lunaire. In 2008 he received the award of the 5th edition of “Les ?toiles du Ballet2000” (France) In 2009 the “Anita Bucchi” award (Italy) for the production of Giorgio Madia’s “Swan Lake”. Invited as guest star he performed on stages all over the world (Tokyo, Miami, Rome, Marseille, Lodz, Mexico City, Riga and many others). Since 2005 he has started to work as an international guest teacher among others in Japanese capital’s most renowned dance studio “Architanz. In 2009 he decided to focus on his work as a pedagogue, ballet master and choreographer. Since then he has been invited as a guest teacher by international companies such as Istanbul State Ballet, Croatian National Ballet, Sao Paulo Companhia de Dan?a, Scapino Ballet Rotterdam or National Conservatory in The Haague. Since 2009 another key aspect of his work has become to restage choreographic works of Uwe Scholz and Marco Goecke with international companies such as Paris, Vienna, Rotterdam, Den Haag, Poznan, Brno, Istanbul, Sao Paulo, Tokyo and Toronto. Besides that in 2013 he very successfully created his first full evening choreography ? Romeo and Juliet ? for Sao Paulo Companhia de Danca.

KK Youth Project kkyouthproject@gmail.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kkyouthproject/

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